Giving Tuesday is the biggest day of giving in the world. This movement has become a representation of people coming together to give back to their communities. At NEDDIE we want to give nonprofits their best chance to multiply their funding during this worldwide event. We gathered five key tips that will help your organization have a successful fundraiser on Giving Tuesday.

1. Create a fundraiser that shows the who and the why. - Your fundraiser should highlight your purpose and who you are impacting. Donors like to know where their donation will be put to use and how. - Use high quality images that represent your mission and who you serve. People tend to scroll over images that are not captivating or are not indicative of your mission. - Be direct, to the point. Use words that talk to people. Some charities are focused on using words that are too big or too complex that their purpose gets lost in their words. Remember that not all donors are the same and you want to reach all audiences. Don't elaborate too much. Nowadays, people want information fast. The longer your fundraiser explanation is, the less they will read. Go straight to the point. - Show Transparency. Be honest. Be you. What charities don't know sometimes is that people can read through you. They know what you really want. In order to establish a good relationship with donors you have to earn their trust. That is the key for a long lasting relationship with donors.
2. Set a realistic fundraiser goal. When you set an unrealistic goal donors will question why your goal is high and how your organization will use such a large amount. Start with a smaller goal and set new goals as you go.
3. Show Transparency. This is the biggest key of all! As a donor, if I make a donation I want to have more information, I want to learn about your organization, I want to know that you can deliver results and your are a mission forward organization. But I want the information fast. I don't want to go on an endless search to find it.
On your NEDDIE profile, donors can get all the information they need to make a quick decision when making a donation. On your organization's profile you can add your mission and your impact, create fundraisers, add you social media accounts and get different ways of funding.
Get your free customizable profile on the NEDDIE platform here.

4. Share your fundraiser on social media. This is your marketing strategy. Social media has become the new way of advertising. - Share your fundraisers with your followers and ask them to share it as well and to ask their friends to share it too. This will create a chain of sharing that will expose your fundraisers to new donors. - Create videos or reels of your organization showing that you can deliver results. Let's face it, reels or "tik toks" have become a free way to expand your reach. If you create a compelling video, your organization can be exposed to people you have never thought you could reach before. We recommend to create high quality videos, no longer than 20-30 seconds, use trending music, and add short but good content on the captions. Your mobile phone is sufficient to create beautiful videos. Follow "best times to post" practices. You can find them online. - Have multiple social media channels and show you have a healthy online presence. Nonprofits that are constantly sharing stories, posts, videos and have multiple social media channels are expanding their brand and work. This is an indicator of having a healthy online presence, which helps earn trust with new donors.
5. Double your donations with NEDDIE's Purpose Match. A match crowdfunding program where people together can match donations made to nonprofits on NEDDIE. Many corporations use matching programs as an incentive to support their employees' favorite causes. At NEDDIE we want everyone to be part of this incentive and work with us as a team to support charities on the platform.
You can learn more about Purpose Match here.

Check out the over 75 nonprofits that are part of the NEDDIE Nonprofit Community and what they are saying about NEDDIE in our testimonials. Find more resources for your nonprofit in our blog.
Follow us for tips, resources and nonprofit community engagement, on social media. To learn more about us, visit NEDDIE.
