Marketing to individuals is a crucial skill for nonprofits. However, it can be tricky to peek into the mindset of the supporter. We’d like to share some tips for nonprofits to help them market to financial contributors.

Consider the psychology of the donor.
Whether we like it or not, psychology has a great deal to do with marketing. Subtle differences in wording can change how people receive a post or campaign. For example, we know that individuals don’t like to miss out on things, so phrasing your posts with this in mind is helpful. Letting them know that if they pass this opportunity up, they’re missing a chance to do something good will motivate them to give.
On the flip side, humans do like being recognized for their contributions, so organizing donor shout-outs or personalizing your thank-you-notes goes a very long way. Knowing small details like this will help guide your marketing so that you can target people’s desires to be included and their hope of being recognized, however you choose to implement that. We can use these psychology insights to draw people in while still considering the donor's experience.
Share stories of impact from your organization.
According to GivingUSA, sharing the stories of the people your organization has helped or affected can be powerful for donors. Details are crucial; they help to flesh out the stories so that donors connect more deeply and want to give. It’s all about forging that connection between the story and clear ways to help. Specific stories educate donors and help them see how much their contribution is needed.
Be sure to make it clear where donations will go. If supporters are just sending money with no vision of what it will do to help, then what is driving their giving? However, if they know that their $100 will buy food for a family for a week, they’re likely to contribute because they want to help that specific family. If contributors can see exactly where their money is going, then they’re more likely to give.
Use technology to your advantage.
Times are changing and technology is developing at light speed. Stay up-to-date with your supporters and use social media channels to market your nonprofit. This will help incorporate your organization into their routine and spread awareness in the community. Also, you can engage with your followers more directly, which is helpful for building personal relationships. Since technology is only becoming more widespread, learning to utilize it for your benefit is a worthwhile investment that will make your nonprofit relevant for supporters.
Also, if you want free marketing and an easy-to-use platform, take a look at the newest social media app connecting nonprofits and individuals (and coming soon, businesses): NEDDIE! NEDDIE's website and mobile app can help streamline your donors' giving and let them contribute however they want to in a quick and simple way. At no cost, you can add any active campaigns, create a wishlist, or even add a marketplace to sell your nonprofit's merchandise. Soon you'll be able to add events, too!
Sign up for a nonprofit here and then click on create nonprofit account.

Give the individual a chance to solve a problem and feel good doing it.
Donors want to solve problems and help the nonprofit thrive. That can look different depending on the situation, but giving them specific problems to solve lets them make a difference in an active way, which some donors really want. That’s one reason it’s important for your nonprofit to accept gifts of any size—people often want to give, even if they can’t give much at this time. They want to help solve a problem and then feel good about the work they’ve done to help, and if you can make them see their impact, they’ll be grateful.

Your nonprofit has something to offer the world; it’s your job to get the individual to see and back your vision. What does the individual think? If you don’t know, ask!
Your supporters are a vital resource for you. They're invested in the organization, both financially and emotionally, so they have lots of motivation for helping you improve it! They hold a unique position of being peripheral to the company, a part of it but still able to see it from the outside. Ask them for advice and, if you can, take it! They’ll love feeling appreciated and you’ll get new insight for your organization. New ideas are always welcome, and often the individual will have fresh perspectives on things you may never have considered.
Keep your relationship with the individual in mind.
In the end, fundraising is all about your relationship with the supporter. They are what keep the operation going, so their needs and desires are very important to consider. It’s easy to lose the focus on these relationships, but they are vitally important to your organization. This is not simply because of the financial support they give, but because people want to know that their money is going to an organization they trust, and that trust is built on an individual level. Also, if your donors, who get to see an “inside” view of the nonprofit, trust and support you, they’ll endorse you wholeheartedly in their communities, which is a priceless source of credibility.
We hope these tips are helpful to your organization. Marketing might be difficult to master, but it's crucial to any nonprofit's success. Email us at to let us know your strategies for marketing and preserving donor relationships!